I'm just going to say this one time.
People are dumb as fuck.
If you've read any of the multiple comment sections about this case, you have no doubt seen the inevitable "people wake up from being brain dead all the time".
Ummm, no they don't. People have woken up from being in a persistant vegetative state. They still have minimal brain function. This kid doesn't. There is no, I repeat, no blood circulation in her brain. No brain stem activity. Nada.
"She's still alive, her heart is still beating". Again, no. Her heart is beating because she is on a ventilator that is supplying the heart, with it's very own electrical system, oxygen. You can take a heart completely out of a body and still get it to beat.
This is not life. This is not being alive.
The insanity has gone on to where even the courts got involved. The family sued for, and was granted a TRO to keep the hospital from removing ventilator support.
They sued again, and were thankfully denied, to force the hospital to insert a feeding tube and tracheostomy in to the body. Read the hospital's response to that petition here.
A death certificate was issued with a date of death as 12/12/2013. The cause of death is pending and autopsy (if the family ever lets that happen).
In the mean time, the body was moved to an "undisclosed" location. The lawyer has spent a great deal of face time with cameras trying to set up CHO as and unfeeling, murdering institution. If you listen to his speeches now, he is trying to allude to the reason her body is in such bad shape now is because CHO refused to operate on a dead body.
Hello?! McFly!-- The body is in bad shape because it's DEAD. It's deteriorating and decomposing like a dead body should.
I could go on, but I am disgusted by all of this.
I was sympathetic towards the family, at first. The loss of a child is never, ever easy. It's not something you can come to grasp with over night. But nearly one month of this shit falls squarely in to the bat shit crazy camp.
Fund raisers, Go Fund Me sites and on and on. It's a money grab. Listen to the uncle after the mom speaks in this video. The $250,000 cap on pain and suffering for minor children is, in his words, chump change. He thinks 30 million is more appropriate.
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